Resist Full Magic Attack [1] Сопротивление ко всем типа магии. |
BOSS Strike [8]
Shock [8] Шоковое состояние, временно блокирующее передвижение. |
BOSS Reflect Damage [8]
BOSS Cancel Magic [8]
Resist Daggers [2] Сопротивление к атакам против Кинжала. |
Blunt Weapon Weak Point [1] Уязвимость к блантам. |
Sacred Attack Weak Point [3] Уязвимость к священным атакам. |
Dark Attack [1] Использует темную магию. |
Undead [1] Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. |
Raid Boss [1] Если игрок, который нанес больше всего урона и чей уровень превышает уровень Монстра на 3 или больше уровней, то награда item/adena уменьшатся. Если различие уровней на 9 или больше, монстр не выронет после смерти ничего. |
Raid Boss - Level 75 [1] This powerful Death Lord rose up from Purgatoryat the behest of Death Lord Hallate. Unlike Hallate, who exhausted most of his power breaking the seal of the Tower of Insolence, Ipos has preserved most of his. He prefers conspiracies and subtle plots to direct action and is currently keenly interested in the situation near Aden Castle. He seems to have some kind of relationship with several high-ranking nobles in Aden Kingdom. |