[РБ] Doom Blade Tanatos 72лвл
Raid Boss
Скиллы НПЦ
Resist Full Magic Attack [1]
Сопротивление ко всем типа магии.
Shock [7]
Шоковое состояние, временно блокирующее передвижение.
BOSS Haste [7]
BOSS Cancel Magic [7]
Resist Daggers [2]
Сопротивление к атакам против Кинжала.
Blunt Weapon Weak Point [1]
Уязвимость к блантам.
Sacred Attack Weak Point [3]
Уязвимость к священным атакам.
Dark Attack [1]
Использует темную магию.
Undead [1]
Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids.
Raid Boss [1]
Если игрок, который нанес больше всего урона и чей уровень превышает уровень Монстра на 3 или больше уровней, то награда item/adena уменьшатся. Если различие уровней на 9 или больше, монстр не выронет после смерти ничего.
BOSS Strike [7]
Raid Boss - Level 72 [1]
Once the commander of the infamous Death Agent Army that ravaged the land, terrorizing friends and foes alike, he was eventually demoted at the request of several prominent nobles. He was later killed in battle when his army was sacrificed as bait. Not even death could end his bloodlust, however. Calling upon the magic of Darkness, he and his army were resurrected as undead soldiers. Now the Commander of the Undead, he roams old battlefields and threatens the Border Outpost with a gleaming, rust-proof blade.
Подробно об НПЦ
HP HP regen. P.atk M.atk M.atk spd
1825269 688.51 13026 26791 3819
MP MP regen. P.def M.def P.atk spd
3274 9.81 3933 1597 278
60 57 73 76 70 80
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