Sealed Dark Crystal breastplate
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Итем может быть распечатан в
[РБ] Valakas 85 1 - 3 1/2
[РБ] Antharas 79 1 - 3 1/2
[РБ] Enmity Ghost Ramdal 65 1 1/124
[РБ] Rahha 65 1 1/56
Nephilim Cardinal 78 1 1/45455
Scarlet Stakato Soldier * 78 1 1/38462
Bloody Guardian * 75 1 1/50000
Scavenger Ant * 74 1 1/111111
Bloody Banshee * 74 1 1/45455
Guardian Archangel * 74 1 1/18868
Male Spiked Stakato * 74 1 1/11364
Cursed Guardian 73 1 1/142857
Scavenger Scarab * 73 1 1/142857
Dark Omen Invader Archer * 73 1 1/66667
Bloody Knight * 73 1 1/34483
Seal Angel * 73 1 1/19231
Bloody Liviona * 72 1 1/47619
Guardian Angel * 72 1 1/27027
Platinum Guardian Archer * 71 1 1/50000
Platinum Tribe Overlord * 71 1 1/37037
Sepulcher Guard 70 1 1/62500
Messenger Angel * 70 1 1/25641
Pytan * 69 1 1/66667
Hallate's Guardian * 69 1 1/55556
Hallate's Follower Mul * 68 1 1/90909
Platinum Tribe Archer * 68 1 1/66667
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