Great Sword Blade
Main ingredient definitely required for a Dwarf to Great Sword. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
[РБ] Bandit Leader Barda 55 5 - 15 1/9
[РБ] Ghost Knight Kabed 55 5 - 15 1/9
[РБ] Enchanted Forest Watcher Ruell 55 5 - 15 1/7
[РБ] Captain of Red Flag Shaka 52 5 - 15 1/4
[РБ] Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun 50 5 - 15 1/3
Cave Beast * 61 1 1/824
Ghastly Warrior * 61 1 1/743
Claws of Splendor 60 1 1/1451
Gamlin 60 1 1/1300
Claws of Splendor 60 1 1/1220
Bloody Lady * 60 1 1/864
Beast Lord * 60 1 1/726
Grave Predator * 59 1 1/1862
Frost Iron Golem * 59 1 1/1276
Fallen Orc Shaman 58 1 1/1550
Hamrut * 58 1 1/1314
Pronghorn 57 1 1/2747
Drake * 57 1 1/2222
Sepulcher Inquisitor * 57 1 1/761
Bartal 56 1 1/2907
Doom Trooper 63 1 1/65
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