Tallum Glaive
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Health, or Wide Blow.
Tallum Glaive [Guidance]
Увеличивает Accuracy на +4.
Tallum Glaive [Health]
Увеличивает максимальное количество HP на 25%
Tallum Glaive [Wide Blow]
Увеличивает угол поражения пик и алебард.
[РБ] Valakas 85 1 - 2 1/5
[РБ] Antharas 79 1 - 2 1/5
[РБ] Antharas Priest Cloe 74 1 1/50
[РБ] Korim 70 1 1/70
[РБ] Meanas Anor 70 1 1/70
Ketra Orc Elite Soldier * 80 1 1/125000
Ketra's Head Guard 80 1 1/100000
Prophet Guard 80 1 1/100000
Messenger Invader Soldier 80 1 1/90909
Varka's Commander * 80 1 1/76923
Scarlet Stakato Noble * 79 1 1/62500
Solina Brother 78 1 1/125000
Solina Lay Brother 78 1 1/125000
Hexa Beetle * 78 1 1/83333
Hexa Beetle 78 1 1/76923
Assassin Beetle * 78 1 1/62500
Magma Drake * 78 1 1/47619
Ashkenas * 78 1 1/45455
Ashkenas 78 1 1/45455
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