Итем может быть распечатан в
Blue Wolf Gloves [Heavy Armor]
Part of the heavy blue wolf set.
Blue Wolf Gloves [Light Armor]
Part of the light blue wolf set.
Blue Wolf Gloves [Robe]
Part of the blue wolf robe set.
[РБ] The 3rd Underwater Guardian 60 1 1/15
Alpen Buffalo 67 1 1/100000
Resurrected Guard * 66 1 1/37037
Resurrected Guard 66 1 1/35714
Bone Maker * 66 1 1/33333
Bloody Knight 65 1 1/52632
Trampled Man 65 1 1/50000
Trampled Man 65 1 1/50000
Alpen Kookaburra 65 1 1/43478
Doom Knight * 65 1 1/37037
Alpen Kookaburra * 65 1 1/20833
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier * 65 1 1/9901
Treasure Chest 63 1 1/66667
Trives 63 1 1/55556
Slaughter Bathin * 63 1 1/24390
Doom Archer * 62 1 1/43478
Blader of Despair * 62 1 1/21739
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